I'm excited to share a project I've dreamed of accomplishing for a long time: the first in a series of self-paced online courses designed to help people identify their antique and art objects and feel empowered about moving forward making informed decisions about the best choices in their specific situations.
"SILVER 101: Quickly Learn How to Identify Your Sterling Silver and Silverplate to Find the Valuable Items and Sort with Empowered Confidence" encapsulates the process I've developed working directly with my appraisal clients through the years and makes it broadly accessible to a general worldwide audience.
As the pandemic has reduced my ability to meet one-on-one with clients and perform this teaching in person, it has deepened my passion to transmit and expand access to this information in innovative, alternative ways so that people can still be helped.
SILVER 101 is self-paced, available anywhere in the world, and intentionally designed to suit multiple learning styles (audio and visual learners) and individuals with different levels of access to hearing and sight. I’ve included some still shots of the course below so you can get a sense of my aesthetic and approach to content to help you see if it would be a good fit for you.
The content is customized for a general audience of individuals who have silver items and are seeking to identify and learn more about them rather than people who are already expert silver connoisseurs. Silver is a very complicated, detailed, wide-ranging topic, and it has been such a fun intellectual challenge distilling the content into an approachable, easily understandable group of lessons that address the needs and questions many people have.
You can learn more about SILVER 101 and enroll in the class at https://artifactualhistory.teachable.com/p/silver-101
Curious if SILVER 101 is a good fit for you or someone you know? Always feel free to ask me at info@afhappraisal.com!
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to appear on Jason Roske’s show “Behind the Gavel with Jason” to talk about SILVER 101. You can click to watch our conversation and learn more about SILVER 101!